
Pemutihan Gigi / Teeth Whitening (Malaysia)

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

So today my post will be regarding teeth  whitening.
Why on earth I 've decided to do a teeth whitening?
My front teeth (11) fractured 14 years ago and i've had crown placement (I'll get to this in other post)
So, my 21 is having a severe fluorosis condition. Fluorosis is a condition of your teeth when it is having discolouration. Mine is severe as it already has pitting on the tooth surface (esp the tooth 21 - luckily its the only tooth having that kind of problem.
(Courtesy to Google)

So I asked my dentist (she's a postgraduate student in aesthetic dentistry ) to do a veneer on my 21.
Before proceeding to this, I need to whiten my other teeth as well as they had mild fluorosis.
That's when I decided to do a home-teeth whitening, I bought the whitening kit from Ultradent (my company contact them) and I got it at quite reasonable price ^-^

The product name is : Opalescence Go (10%)

 It comes in 10 pair of trays. So you need to use it once a day. For 20-30 minutes. Don't use it while sleeping. And please do avoid any caffeine intake during that time ( even me myself I can't control that though) 

 Here it is . ( 2 trays in 1 packet for upper and lower teeth

 It stated on the tray as U - upper and L -lower

 This is during my second day ( I don't really record it through camera as it can hardly tell just by looking at the picture

This is the website for detail method on how to use it etc : Opalescence Go

This is Youtube : Youtube video

Tips ( not so but what i wanted to share briefly):
1. Make sure you wear only one part at a time ( Don't be like , that was my second time and I thought it is better to one at one time) --> If I , I would prefer the upper one then only the lower)

2. Avoid caffeine, too much coffee and tea will affect your teeth whitening

3. Make sure you don't have ulcers/ gingival inflammation as it might cause burns (it has hydrogen peroxide in it , so yeah , or else we gonna let it burn, burn, burn).

4. Don't wear it while you asleep.
Please DON'T

5. Consult your dentist at first. Because different people will have different result. 

P/S : Honestly I think this product is a go-go for you if you want to have less invasive procedure ( as having chair-side teeth whitening is more suffering,  as they said hohohoho and more time consuming perhaps.) I let you know the results in 2 weeks time but  I can the result already , my oh my


Pergigian di Universiti Malaya (Part 2)

Assalamualaikum, jadinya pada hari ini saya akan sambung mengenai pergigian di UM

First Year:
1) Focus. You need to struggle to the fullest, means you have to push yourself to study as hard as you can. During this year, is a year which will determine you if you are suitable in this mainstream or not.
I'm not kidding but this is the truth LOL. Stop instagramming too much LOL. Focus focus focus.
TBH , i rarely went out during must first year as compared to now (maybe due to I've able to drive lol, currently)

2)  Aim. "Yes, I want to survive my first year successfully" . Instead of, " it's okay, I just want to do my best , as long as I am not failing, it should be okay. It's a no no girl. Try to aim for getting a Dean's List or higher than that a Distinction List ( even me myself have  never get this T-T)
Dean's List basically if your result has some A and some B and no failing papers and quite high enough than others, you'll be able to be here. Whilst , a Distinction where you got all A's and you survive a Viva Distinction, oh yeah this is so good babe hahaha. Usually there will be two person who will be a  a Distinction candidates.

3) Attitude. Ain't got nothing to do with attitude, ya sayy? Self discipline is the key word. I'm not kidding you. You have to be discipline and strict as you 've got lots of tutorials( not so much as compared to foundation but yeah... you got what I mean) and Self - directed learning (well this is the thing/ session ) SDL is the short form, it is when you have to discuss one topic with your friend and present to your Dr (mostly anatomy subject is totally nerve wrecking)

Till then I will update again later on , any enquiries can always email me -- nainaroslam@gmail.com


Raya 2015 with kawan

Salam , raya tahun ini adalah for the whole month I'll be celebrating at my home babeee
so I'll spend my time with my friends, literally
as when class has started, for sure, it is difficult for us to meet up and see each other. So here some of the pic of my raya with my friends

to be sure, I am not an easy going person, I don't easily can catch up with people
I used to be an introvert by the way, haha yeah hard to believe isn't it?

with mas and nisaa all the way from rawangg

This one we went to Seoul Garden KL City Festival
We bought along our student card and we went during lunch time
we got extra saverrrr (how brilliant is that?)

with nisa' -- in life we always had one friend that had never enough time to stay together, chitchatting for hourss


Selamat Tahun Baru!

Selamat Tahun Baru semua! so korang pergi mana tahun baru ni? aku duduk rumah sahaja. tenang-tenangkan fikiran . sebab takde benda nak buat...