Assalamualaikum and good evening.
So today my post will be regarding teeth whitening.
Why on earth I 've decided to do a teeth whitening?
My front teeth (11) fractured 14 years ago and i've had crown placement (I'll get to this in other post)
So, my 21 is having a severe fluorosis condition. Fluorosis is a condition of your teeth when it is having discolouration. Mine is severe as it already has pitting on the tooth surface (esp the tooth 21 - luckily its the only tooth having that kind of problem.
(Courtesy to Google)
So I asked my dentist (she's a postgraduate student in aesthetic dentistry ) to do a veneer on my 21.
Before proceeding to this, I need to whiten my other teeth as well as they had mild fluorosis.
That's when I decided to do a home-teeth whitening, I bought the whitening kit from Ultradent (my company contact them) and I got it at quite reasonable price ^-^
The product name is : Opalescence Go (10%)
It comes in 10 pair of trays. So you need to use it once a day. For 20-30 minutes. Don't use it while sleeping. And please do avoid any caffeine intake during that time ( even me myself I can't control that though)
Here it is . ( 2 trays in 1 packet for upper and lower teeth
It stated on the tray as U - upper and L -lower
This is during my second day ( I don't really record it through camera as it can hardly tell just by looking at the picture
This is the website for detail method on how to use it etc : Opalescence Go
This is Youtube : Youtube video
Tips ( not so but what i wanted to share briefly):
1. Make sure you wear only one part at a time ( Don't be like , that was my second time and I thought it is better to one at one time) --> If I , I would prefer the upper one then only the lower)
2. Avoid caffeine, too much coffee and tea will affect your teeth whitening
3. Make sure you don't have ulcers/ gingival inflammation as it might cause burns (it has hydrogen peroxide in it , so yeah , or else we gonna let it burn, burn, burn).
4. Don't wear it while you asleep.
Please DON'T
5. Consult your dentist at first. Because different people will have different result.
P/S : Honestly I think this product is a go-go for you if you want to have less invasive procedure ( as having chair-side teeth whitening is more suffering, as they said hohohoho and more time consuming perhaps.) I let you know the results in 2 weeks time but I can the result already , my oh my