
ok,ak pergi skolah

baiklah,tadi ak kol skolah lama ak,,,,then tanyerlah pasal satu benda ni
but this thing kena rujuk pada org len
org tuh x der pulak,,,setengah jam lagii kol balik,kata kakak tuh
dalam hati aku.
kebetulan abah ak ada kat
dier pon ajaklah ak gi skolah...amek ko terus g skolah,
bukan rezeki ak,benda yg ak nak tu, masih x diselesaikan,yer
mgkin salah ak sbb bagi lambat,but it's almost 3 weeks already.....
sabarlah wahai hati

kang kalo x sabar benda nih pon ak telan..
but the best thing i can tell myself is...
yes it is!


roomkeeping?yes,i do!

wahaha,mesti alma x caya nih..
kemas macammanerlah sgt bilik ak kalo ak kemas pon en?
jgn ckp camtu,
i tried my best today,
sedey sket sbb tadi bangun pukul 10..
quite moody dgn enset..alarm bunyi...
ak g tutup..
so,kena anjak program ke petanglah..
yang ak nak cakap kat sini,,,,breakfast ak pagi nih quite fascinating,pukul 12 noon,
got it?
late already..
so,ak decide nak buat garlic bread and i also had english tea..(x leyh bla)
homemade garlic bread! =)


mimpi,hanya mimpi

haksss22 pagi tadi ak mimpi,
ader org putih dgn sorg bdk laki kecik dtg,
heehee..dua2 org putihlah..
ak x tau camner dier ader dlm umah ak...
yg si kecik tu tgh main laptop...
ak tanyer yg besar ni,(in malay)
aku: "dari mana?"
dia: "US"
aku:"pandai cakap melayu?"
dia:"a'ah,sbb pernah tggal kat sini"
aku:"owh,,,dier(sambil tunjuk kat si kecik tu) tgh buat aper?"
dia:"owh....dier tgh siapkan projek dia..."

ermmm.x silap aklah dier mention tapi ak x igt,,,then ak pon tanyer...

aku:"ok,,,jgn cakap itu anak awak?"
dia:"ahahhahah(tergelak.)x lah, itu adek saya..

waktu tu kat umah, ader ak,diorg dua, en kalo x silap bibik ak...
wahaha,,,aper2 pon, nice to meet both of you..=)

nih lagu yg ak raser sgt sweet!=0.



kucing berdengkur..

it's late at a super duper breezy and cooly and whatever night,
my sis was sleeping heavenly right behind me...
suddenly i heard a rare, coarse voice also right behind me,,
pheewwwwwwwwwwww.(it's kind of a sigh)
PENDEK, the cutest cat was berdengkur, really badly...heheh
wat terkejut ak jer...kih222

nasib baiklah ko buat gaya camni,,,

kalo camni...ak dah lamer lari kot...................hehehe


glee the geli...

yeah,skrg nih ak tgh maraton cter glee
lemak ak pon memaraton skali...
suker gller ak,...............=)
i like x 3
thx alya for download..
hope ur lappy not at risk...

lwk en???
pernah at one time sue ckp kat will:
"i just can't look at ur chin..cos' i'm going to buy you a small diapers because your chin looks like a tiny butt"
so evil-talked.but i just love her...


digital club

ak join kelab digital waktu kat mrsm dulu,
tgh2 kemaskini folder,ak ternampak gambar2 nih......
so,ak pon trylah edit sket,
come out...but then the pics are little tiny..
atas ke bawah:syafiqah,hajar,ieka,hamizah
atas ke bawah: ain,wahidah,nurin,hirlin
atas kebawah: kautsar,hajar, nadiah, amirah,


so slow,jadi,kita 'bakor' jerlah..

ok,sangat lambat tau,ternet rumah ak ker atau fb yg lambat???
tolonglah faham
sabor jerlah
ak raser macam siput pon ader jugak, aderlah dua puluh minit tggu hanya untuk log in......
haisyh...ader hikmahlah tuh wahai hati....
ok...tu jer nak tulis....en, my sis on the way balik ke tempatnyer,so sad....
x der teman untuk memasak bersama-sama...huhu,
balik lagi yer noona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


unbearable lost

we only planned for it, ALLAH SWT that decide it,
sadness conquering me, held me so tight,
but i knew that, i had to be strong,
this lost, had lots of hikmah behind it..
i'll never forget u,
and, may ALLAH SWT bless you,


dont stress, relax, chill, u can do it!

ahaaaa!!! i like....
note this in ur memory, but don't memorize it,
remember, sumer yg berlaku ada hikmahnyer!

ok, so don't be sad



Selamat Tahun Baru!

Selamat Tahun Baru semua! so korang pergi mana tahun baru ni? aku duduk rumah sahaja. tenang-tenangkan fikiran . sebab takde benda nak buat...