
Selamat Tahun Baru!

Selamat Tahun Baru semua! so korang pergi mana tahun baru ni? aku duduk rumah sahaja. tenang-tenangkan fikiran . sebab takde benda nak buat, nak tgk bunga api pon xde mood huhuhu bosan. so dalam post kali ni aku nak kongsilah sedikit throwback untuk event2 yang penting sepanjang tahun 2017!enjoy!

 I was on my semester break during this time, our faculty punya break is quite different from any other faculty, kitorang cuti awal sikit. so during that holiday, i managed to spend my time at 2 places which were in Pullman Putrajaya and Universal Studio Singapore (USS)
Both of them definitely mesmerizing me! For Pullman Putrajaya ,i was treated for a free stay by my bestfriend ijan! hahahha so dapatlah merasa duduk for one night while she been having kursus.

okay waktu ni tengah syok tengok elmo (sesame street) ahhaha sabor jelah mengenang kenangan lama sungguh

ini dekat istana farfaraway
makan seafood dekat jb ,esok gerak USS, masa cari tempat makan ni gaduh jugaklah haha


In february, I would be in my faculty prosthetic lab setting up my patient's artificial teeth.yes guys,we dental student got no life...had to spend hours for teeth setting ,i is sad but it was fun though

Elective posting, where we will be grouped and posted to different states, that year only 4 states which were Terengganu, Perak,Melaka and Kedah. My group was posted to Ipoh, Perak. We managed to visit several Klinik Pergigian in Ipoh as well as their fluoridation centre

Fluoridation Centre

In March ,  the most terrifying moment would be when we need to present our elective project for conference ;( luckily we succeeded ! tq to mypartner ,hazirah and my two awesome supervisors which were Dr Wey and Dr Wan
group photo for conference.

this was when we were rushing to find yong's stuff for hantaran

this is what we've been waiting for!!!  FINAL YEAR DINNER

yay thats me! rocking the saloma + yuna vibes!


ini after habis exam kitorang aje 4 orang perempuan melayu terakhir dalam group ni

shameless b4 my patient came

okay ini night aku x ingat apa nama dia tapi kalau x silap malam tautan hati (MTH) 
so lemme be honest to u guysss hahaha i have never i ever pergi MTH hahahahaha lol sgt so i dont really have a nice memory of the night, oh ye as this was my first and last MTH i managed to grab a lucky dram hahaha

i volunteered to Kelas Rakyat with iffah sayang <3

June (Rayaaaaaaa!!!)
its a festive holiday which i guess we malaysians love raya so much , except for the hustles of jams and such (if ya get what i mean)

thats all for today!wait for my part 2 post for this ;P


Jalan-jalan KL ! ( Tempat kau wajib pergi- part 1)

Pada 2/8/17 , iaitu semalam,aku and my forever bestie, ijan ,decided to jalan-jalan cuci mata kat KL. so kitorg gerak dari shah alam, naik KTM (ya Allah almost sejam aku tggu) , so dalam pukul 11pm gerak naik KTM then turun kat KTM Subang Jaya then terus naik LRT (agak2 kalau naik ktm sampai kl entah pukul berapa)

so naik LRT (PJ Line ) turun kat Masjid Jamek. so sbnrnya kitorang nak g masjid jamek sekejap je, sbb nak beli pin tudung hihu. Then end up kami pon jenjalan keluar jalan TAR tup2 dah sampai kat Pasar seni.jalan kaki weyhhhh...tengah terik matahari. Padu sungguh

OK so kat bawah ni aku list tempat menarik korang kena visit kalau jalan- jalan kat KL;
1. Masjid Jamek 
aku xde gambar kat sini, but basically dia tempat shopping , ya Allah bestnya, kalau waktu weekend ada pasar and korang boleh makan mcm2 street food. gemuk lahaiii

2. Merdeka Square
ok ni kalau nak g just kena jalan kaki je. (kalau laratlah)

first thing korang jumpa adalah Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad

ni ijan tgh fefeeling OOTD dekat dengan dataran merdeka. (Panasnya aduhai, tuhan jetau)
tetiba adafountain kat sini

Potraits of Malaysia's Prime Minister

Kl city gallery, kat sini wajib bergambar, ramai gila tourist, luckily one brother offered to get us a picture, yay

3. Pasar Seni / Central Market

The entrance

 The famous central market plates. you can actually find the shop near to Texas Chicken, use the main entrance of the central market (Price range : rm2-rm50)

This shop so cool. where u can paint batik on small canvas for only RM15, mannn we should give a tryyyyy

 ABC in Central Market : RM 6

Nasi Ayam Penyet : RM 8.50 

Some potraits

Thats me!

 till next time peeps. please waitfor part 2!


Kuching bound part 1

I am now currently harvesting some grapes. waiting for them to ripe. kalau dalam bahasa melayunya, aku ni kiranya mcm tgh menganggur lah. Oleh hal yang demikian aku juga telah dipilih untuk menjadi org kehormat untuk menemani kakakku, Alma. ALma dapat posting MO (after dia habis houseman, kerajaan minta dia berkhidmat pulak dkt Sarikei , Sarawak) haaa kau amek kena g Sarawak . Sarikei lagi. tapi jangan takut dulu, insyaa Allah , Allah SWT permudahkan. so pada tanggal 16/7/17 (ahad) aku anda alma pon berlepas lah ke Kuching dulu ya, sbb kakak kena lapor diri dkt JKN Sarawak. flight kami jam 715pagi...amboiii awal nau... nak tiket murah babe (tq my comama belanja)

jadinya ini kali pertama aku ke sarawak ok, after 24years. it such a pleasant experience for me. so we reached airport around 9am ++ it took around 2 hours to reach kuching airport from KL. once we reached we lepak at the airport for an hour before we headed to TUNE HOTEL KUCHING.yeahhh finally i will be staying at TUNE hotel. is itsometing to be proud of? for me yes! oh Lord cause my comama belanja me hahahahha.

 after we had our ample sleep then we had a walk at the bandar Kuching. this picture is a must okay! while u are in Kuching ;P
 my comama :)

 at museum kucing. or cat museum. i would find this place creepy if i came here alone. ;D
 behind sarawak museum
 Kuching Botanical Garden

 some place nearby the waterfront.

and thats me. yay!


Community Field Project 2015/2016

so in february 2016, somewhere in the middle of the month, me and my whole class of my Dental batch went to Gopeng for a baktisiswa programme (to promote awareness regarding oral health to the community) this is actually the second time our faculty went there.

this is my foster family Mr Asri and Puan Khayati, they have 3 children, we stayed at their house at Kg Jahang for 3 nights!

the ayams in the reban

 our team!

 cultural night!

 with the kiddossss !!!

 with ahyao (my ponpon mate)

 view of sg jahang

 with my partner! 

Selamat Tahun Baru!

Selamat Tahun Baru semua! so korang pergi mana tahun baru ni? aku duduk rumah sahaja. tenang-tenangkan fikiran . sebab takde benda nak buat...