
Pergigian Universiti Malaya (Part 1)

Assalamualaikum, makin bersawang dah babe blog guwey huhu

ok harini insyaa Allah nak share serba sedikit mengenai kursus pengajian iolls.
i had always dreamt to be a dentist and alhamdulillah Allah dah makbulkan doa ..
dapat pergigian UM adalah satu benda yang aku rasa beyond my expectation.
First, UM adalah salah satu universiti yang terbaik di Malaysia, (despite adalah jugak kekurangan, but yeahhh). Second, the key index untuk UM quite tinggi, haha but diorang nak jugak amek aku sebagai student (so yeahhh kena belajar betul)

So alhamdulillah , I survived my 3rd year and currently now in my semester break. next september will be on my 4th year. jyeahhh

Basically dental UM takes about 5 years of your whole life (if it went smoothly) -->
1. First 2 years : Theory
2. 3 years: Clinic (applying the theory you study in 1)

1st year
--> tahun ni adalah tahun di mana you need to struggle the whole lot man... you ain't wanna fail because you need to repeat the whole year if you do. yeah babe the whole year ok not a half year.
--> tahun ni juga you akan belajar mostly spend your time at Balai Ungku Aziz (its the place you went for interview)
--> tahun ni juga you will master your basic knowledge in medical and dental stuff such as --> anatomy, physiology, oral biology and biochemistry.
--> tahun ni juga you will learn to carve teeth (incisor,,molars etc) to be submitted as requirement
--> tahun ni juga you will have a SDL (self directed learning) where u need to present to DR --> it is like presentation lah
--> banyak SSL (student self learning) oh yeah free time babe
--> sorry I dont really  have pictures during first year horrr..

ok till then.. i will update more regarding my first year experience in dental  UM weeehooo

Selamat Tahun Baru!

Selamat Tahun Baru semua! so korang pergi mana tahun baru ni? aku duduk rumah sahaja. tenang-tenangkan fikiran . sebab takde benda nak buat...