
adam faris -> wordless sunday( yg x wordless mana)

 eiiiiiiiiiiii, kenapa akak ni camni?
 umiiiii,,, takut!!!
 tau pon, jgn main2 dgn faris!
 umi pon pakai gak?
 x leyh2, faris nak amek dari umi
kalo umi pakai faris pon nak pakai gak =')

maggi addiction

igtkan spnjg cuti nih nak rajin2 update,...
tapi x dpt pulakk
ngeh2, x  per, yang jrg update ag syokkan?
btw,,sapa kat sini ketagih ngan maggi?
ya saya2,

ok, kalo nak tau.. kawan ak ada kata, maggi punya mee sbnrnyer disalut plastik..
x tau benar ke x.
dan, pembuat maggi pon x mkn maggi tapi dia nak suruh org len makan..
pandai sggh pembuat maggi nih,

ok...lantaklah pembuat maggi tuh, tapi yang penting,,
sbnrnya mmg patut kter jauhkan, tapi susah bro,
jadi kena slow2 lah..
jgn everyday ko dok melantak maggi, 
then ckp, 
"x pe effect dier lmbt lagi,.,,, bukan waktu PMR, SPM or final."
whatsoever, tapi effect dia tetap akan tiba en?

oklah,,, sbg perigtn lahh ek, nak kongsi pglmn saya dan maggi
waktu kat SAMTTAJ pernah gak nak try mkn maggi, tapi mana boleyh bwk cerek letrik..rendam dlm air smpi kmbg,,pergghhhhhhh, rasa dier weyhh

tapi bler pndah pc, bleyh bwk cerek letrik pe ag melantak maggi lahhh
satu hari tuh... ak ngan kwn2 ak bleyh plk share2 maggi yg plbg perisa..(mmg wajib bold, sbb ekstrem weyh)
esok pagi ada yg muntah2 .....perghh layannn..
oklah tuh aje tata

ngeee P/S jgn dok layan maggi sgt, nanti jadi mcm ak otak ni,,, =(



assalamualikum =)
ola everyone..
ak dpt cuti seminggu,citttt,rasa mcm nak habes dah pon..
satu apa x study ag, tapi x pa.. ak nak share ngan korg trip ak ke genting..

 ni waktu dkt phone booth-london k =P
 x caya? tu london tu..dkt bas.

saya dan mj di atas ferris wheel.. gayat..lebih scary drpd space shot
 left to right : nani, oz, tina, min, mai, diyana, aini, pop, naufal, ben

 classmates R3 rox
 one of my epics pictures mj!!!

sblm balik jumpa dgn bdk yg sgt comel ni..=)
x smpt tny nama
oklah, akan update ag, papai


new year's eve

for the first time i think, went out during midnight of new year,
never got the true feeling,
because b4 this i had always watched the concert only on TV,
nothing much than that,
however yesterday, my parents brought us to dataran kemerdekaan shah alam,
there's got somekind of new year's celebration but i think that is the best way to fit people, u know.
actually, there are two event happened yesterday, one at dataran shah alam, and the other is at i-city,
i-city,which is much nearer to my house, seriously, didn't catch our attention(sblm ni gi doh, malah nok g pulop)then, we decide to go to dataran shah alam 
 there were thousand of people there, got really suprise,

then i want to tell you the purpose we are they,
= is to hear ustaz azhar idrus's talk.
yesterday, i found out the talk is more likely to be 
ilmiah + hiburan + the right way = new year is welcome with a better initiative
thanks for the organiser. =)
here's some piccas for you 
(courtesy from google)

ustaz azhar idrus and zizan raja lawak, hope this kind of event can be held again, =)

at dataran shah alam

at dataran merdeka-kl

you think and make a choice =)

ustaz azhar idrus

Selamat Tahun Baru!

Selamat Tahun Baru semua! so korang pergi mana tahun baru ni? aku duduk rumah sahaja. tenang-tenangkan fikiran . sebab takde benda nak buat...